Sound Off!

It irritates me when merchants deny my request to become their affiliate through automatic criteria filters and without contacting me. It tells me the merchant knows zilch about affiliate marketing potential nor do they care to learn.

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2 things that drive us crazy:

1) Newsletters that include promotions/sales/deals/discounts-whatever without an expiration date.. please give us the information necessary to correctly post and remove anything you want us to use so you don’t email us next month telling us to remove a code that has expired. Or worse, if we get a code that doesn’t specify “ongoing” or something similar, we will expire it in 30 days even if it could run longer.

2) if you are going to the trouble to include links for us to use, the please, please, please auto-populate with our affiliate ID’s. We are not trying to be lazy, but efficient. It takes much longer to log in to a network, find your account – go to links page – find the relevant link to promote – copy and paste that back into our admin vs simply copying the link code from your newsletter and quickly pasting it on our sites..huge time saver for us and we will get the links up faster when you include the tracking links in your newsletters.

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I just love it (/sarcasm) when an affiliate who has provided little or no information on their websites or how they plan tom promote your site rips you up and down when you decline their application.

Affiliates – if you want to get approved for affiliate programs at a high percentage, make sure to update your network profile with any and all current sites that you are proud of that show off the quality of your work and your ability to create unique content.

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